Vision Green Solutions GmbH
Am Mittleren Moos 48
86167 Augsburg

Business hours
Mo - Fr: 07 - 19 Uhr

Food and Beverages

Disinfection free of residue

Als Experten für industrielle Wasseraufbereitung, -desinfektion und Hygienelösungen bieten wir nachhaltige, ganzheitliche Konzepte.

Customer Benefits of proton-IQ®


Product Quality

Efficient and sustainable disinfection with a product provenly free of residue.

Improved Sustainability

On-site production, low storage and transport cost reduce the carbon footprint. Disinfection effectiveness at low temperatures increases energy efficiency.

Unabhängigkeit von Lieferanten

Die Vor-Ort-Produktion bietet außerdem auch die Unabhängigkeit von externen Lieferanten.

Safe to Handle

Hypochlorite Säure ist effektiv bei Konzentrationen weit entfernt vom Gefahrstoffbereich – kein besondere Schulungen oder Schutzausrüstung notwendig.

Increased Efficiency

Höchste Wirkstoffeffektivität und kurze Einwirkzeiten bei der Desinfektion.

Operational Safety

Depot-Effekt im Prozesswasser kann Rekontamination durch Fremdstoffe verhindern und so betriebsweit für hygienisches Prozesswasser sorgen.

Hygiene solutions in the food sector

Hygiene solutions in the food sector

One Hygiene Solution for the entire plant

Every food and beverage facility is unique in its needs and production output. Our disinfection solutions are just as uniquely tailored to our customers. Together we conceptualise the unique hygiene solution for your operations.

The active ingredient is produced on site from pure water and salt and fed directly into the respective application area. With our digital solution, you will always keep an eye on the parameters.

The application possibilities for proton-IQ® are diverse and include process water, brewing water, bottle rinsing, product cleaning and disinfection and other special application. Proton-IQ® has been proven to leave no residues in the product.


Some possible areas in which proton-IQ® systems are used


Some possible areas in which proton-IQ® systems are used

Beverage Producers and Bottlers

Dairy Products

Vegetable and Fruit Processing

Fish and Meat Processing

How can we help you?

For further queries about our solutions portfolio and products please contact us.

Contact us
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